It has truly been a wonderful birthday week!
My sister celebrated it with my favorite Disney story and its theme song, “Frozen Fever.”
To my only sister in the whole world!
Many friends and relatives sent me messages, and called to wish me a “Happy Birthday.”
My husband, daughters, and homestay son and his family gave me several surprise gifts.
I am so thankful to God for the gift of love through special people in my life.
I love flowers.
I love tea, coffee, and good drinks.
I love birthday cakes.
I love music.
I love books.
I love messages and letters.
I love hugs.
I love how my family and friends showed their love in many different ways.
My oldest daughter sent me these two books and a letter from America.
Her note at the end of her letter:
P.S. These are the books for you. They are symbolic of the love of books and reading that you have helped to cultivate in me. Thank you for sharing with me the joy of learning, of stories, of languages, and of the power of reading.
When our youngest daughter was born,
I had a handful with the baby, so my oldest started to read more and more to her younger sister.
These are the good old days of our “cultivation of the love of books and reading”.
I love my family.
I love stories and books.
I love to share the story of my life, which is a wonderful gift from God!
